Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally back on the boat

We actually spent a night at the dock--the first time this year I think! We arrived about 330pm, and while putting away the groceries, Bob noticed the refrigerator wasn't working, so the first chore was reconnecting the wire to the compressor that we had aparently pulled loose while feeding the wire for the new inverter dashboard that came along with the new inverter. Once Bob had unfolded himself from the lazarette, we proceeded with some minor chores, while the wind blew and gusted straight down the creek.

While we had originally intended to anchor out, we chickened out in the face of the gusty winds and stayed tied to the dock. Next morning, after re-installing the two rebuilt mast winches, we had to rush into the Bean for coffee. Not only were we completely out of coffee, we ran out of propane while cooking breakfast. Another trip where we were glad we didn't have any visitors.

A quick stop at the newly-revived Oriental In-Water Boat Show set us (ok, me and Abby) to dreaming about newer boats. After shopping a bit, however, we returned to Aquila pretty happy with what we have, at least for now.

We decided, after all, to take a quick sail. It was still quite windy in the creek, but once we got onto the Neuse, the wind dropped. And then dropped some more. We sailed slowly over toward Turnagain Bay and the bombing target, tacked back to Broad Creek, and just as we entered the creek, the wind picked up again. Was it coincidence, or had it really been windier all day in the creek than out of it?

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